Yucky Grill? Grab an onion!

Cut an onion in half. Put a little cooking oil on the flat side of the onion. Stick a fork in the curved side of the onion if you want a handle. Scrub the onion vigorously on the grill. Not only with the onion chemicals help remove old food from the grill, but your next dinner will have a little extra seasoning.

Forgot to chill the drinks?

Add layers of water, ice and salt to your cooler. Then submerge the drinks. They’ll be cold in 20 minutes.

Float Your Car Key!

Everything can lock up in your trunk, but the car key! That has to stay with someone. But even the most responsible designated car key holder can lose a loose key. So, a quick hack is to make your own floating key ring:

  • Start with a wine cork
  • Use a hoop screw and set that in the cork
  • Attach a metal key loop onto the hoop and your key fob

It may not protect the battery in the key fob so it is always a good idea to keep an extra in your glove compartment. But it will get you inside your car!